
Perfection: Imogen Heap

If you don't know of her (which would be difficult, especially if you know me), you need to get yourself aquatinted. You won't regret it.

Imogen Heap is far by my most favorite recording artist ever. And for good reason. She is simply fantastic, and her music has comforted me in times when I needed it most. Her music has this quality that speaks to me in a way that no other ever has. One thing I adore about Imogen is that she loves her fans, and she keeps them constantly informed about new happenings and events. For over two years I have religiously been keeping up with her progress on her new record, Ellipse via her updates on her twitter, u-stream, and video blogs posted on youtube. Her vblogs are an inside glance at the recording process. Its almost like having an intimate conversation with Imogen herself. Since her last album, Speak for Yourself was released, I have been utterly astounded by her one-of-a-kind melodic style. Her songs are captivating from beginning to end, and there is always something to take from each one. I just can't get enough of her.

Her last v-blog is somewhat bittersweet for me, but her new album will be her on AUGUST 24!
I CANNOT wait!

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